Unreasonable 2024 Stage by Stage breakdown
The Unreasonable East consists of 18 different stages in the 200 miler and 9 segments in the 100 Miler.
Segment breakdowns and information is as follows:
Segment 1 – Port Douglas to Black Mountain
- Distance = 17.19k
- Elevation = 509m
- Notes = Public toilets at 7km point in Teamsters Park
- Description = Start line of 200 miler directly out front of the Port Douglas Surf Life Saving Club. 5k on hard packed sand along 4 mile beach. 2.5k through footpaths on suburban streets and then 4.5k on bitumen and gravel roads past the sugar cane fields along Mowbray Valley to the base of Bump Track and start of the trail section. 2km steep climb to lookout for a final view of the coast before 2km of undulating trail to Robbins Creek. Creek should be slow running by event week and can usually cross on rocks without getting feet wet. Another 2km of undulating trail to the gate at Black Mountain Rd
Segment 2 – Black Mountain to Armstrong
- Distance = 14.54k
- Elevation = 298m
- Notes = Watch for shared use with crew vehicles
- Description = Entire stage is a graded gravel road with the potential for a few small washouts. Undulating road through rainforest.
Segment 3 – Armstrong to Kuranda
- Distance = 30.06k
- Elevation = 392m
- Notes = Beware Logging Trucks! Also be on the lookout for random toys high up in the trees along the road!
- Description = This is the longest leg of the event, but also some of the easiest running. Entire leg is run along the gravel Black Mountain Rd to Kuranda, before crossing the Barron River and following the river down to train station. Head up over footbridge at train station and follow course to Kuranda Amphitheatre. Please ensure hi vis vest worn along this section as logging trucks may be in service.
Segment 4 – Kuranda to Speewah
- Distance = 16.60k
- Elevation = 527m
- Notes = Public toilets at Barron Falls train station carpark
- Description = Head up the amphitheatre driveway to Barron Falls Rd and continue left to enter the Barron Falls Walk. Turn right a few hundred metres later onto Jungle Walk. Follow this trail and signage down to Barron Falls Lookout where you can access the toilet block 200m down the carpark (optional) or follow the trail over the road and continue towards Wright’s Lookout. Follow McDonald Track (gated 4wd permit track) which is gravel and steep in sections. 5k down the track you’ll reach beaut views and also the start of the technical single track called Douglas Track. You’ll turn right off Douglas track and follwo the single trails and tracks through to Speewah camp ground
Segment 5 – Speewah to Davies Creek (sleep station)
- Distance = 23.48k
- Elevation = 529m
- Notes = Toilets at Speewah and again at Davies Creek.
- Description = Depart Speewah and head up Stoney Creek Rd before turning left onto Speewah Rd. Follow the road to the dead and head off into the forest again. A few creek crossings the next 4km through overgrown single tracks before hitting Clohessy River Road and turning right. You’ll leave the road about 500m down and back into the forest trails with steep, overgrown single trail with some views, next 6km before onto undulating 4WD road for the last stretch into Davies Creek
Segment 6 – Davies Creek to Davies Creek (sleep station)
- Distance = 17.41k
- Elevation = 283m
- Notes = Public toilets at Davies Creek and (COLD) shower.
- Description = A loop of mountain bike trails and berms and switchbacks before retuning back to Davies Creek.
Segment 7 – Davies Creek to Turtle Rock
- Distance = 9.72k
- Elevation = 332m
- Notes = Toilets at Davies Creek and again as you pass Lower Davies Creek campground 4k into this segment.
- Description = Head East once again from Davies Creek and follow the gravel road all the way up to Trutle Rock aid station which is past the actual turtle rock trail and campground.
Segment 8 – Turtle Rock to Kauri Creek
- Distance = 24.29k
- Elevation = 1634m
- Notes = A very gnarly section. Drop toilet at Kauri Creek
- Description = This section has the most vert of any segment at Unreasonable. The most rugged and insane rainforest with lots of ups and downs and technical trail. Take your time to soak in the beauty of this segment. When you reach Mt Edith Rd as you come out from the single track, turn left and follow the 4wd track all the way to the asphalt. Turn right and follow road to Kauri Creek aid.
Segment 9 – Kauri Creek to Kauri Creek
- Distance = 6.61k
- Elevation = 144m
- Notes = Drop toilet at Kauri Creek
- Description = A beautiful short loop that will be a nice break after the last segment!
Segment 10 – Kauri Creek to Tinaroo
- Distance = 16.03k
- Elevation = 346m
- Notes = Drop toilets at Kauri Creek, toilets at Tinaroo and showers (but likely cold).
- Description = Runners will need to take care on the road sections as there’s many tight, blind corners and the road can be narrow in parts. You’ll follow the trail running parralel to Dambulla Rd for the first 3.5k before joining back up to the road. At 9.7k, you’ll leave the road for a climb up the trail to gain a mountain summit and then follow trail back around and into Tinaroo. Follow the river around lake around until you get to the recharge station.
Segment 11 – Tinaroo to Walkamin
- Distance = 21.14k
- Elevation = 250m
- Notes = Toilets at Tinaroo and showers (but likely cold). Toilets at Walkamin
- Description = Much of this section is run alongside the irrigation channel from Tinaroo to the highway, cutting across some creeks and a few climbs over some hills on the gravel track. Once you hit the old railway line, you’ll turn right and follow it up to Walkamin.
Segment 12 – Walkamin to Billycart Brewery
- Distance = 17.55k
- Elevation = 192m
- Notes = Toilets at Walkamin and at the Brewery. Plus at Tolga as you pass through
- Description = Head back out on the Railway Reserve and follow towards Atherton. You’ll need to slightly deviate to head under the bridge via the creek at the highway crossing before joining back up again. Follow through to Tolga and and then again onto Atherton, making note that you pass under the road bridge via the creek to get into the brewery.
Segment 13 – Billycart Brewery to Herberton Range
- Distance = 21.76k
- Elevation = 876m
- Notes = A solid section of vert so fuel up. Toilets at Brewery and Herberton Range.
- Description = Once you leave the brewery and follow the course through the back streets of Atherton, we’ll guide you passed the golf course and up into the mountains via some beaut fire trails with some great vert. Lots of turns and climbs through this section. Once you eventually reach the top, you’ll stay on the fire trails which is all pretty runnable with some down hills to Herberton Range aid station.
Segment 14 – Herberton Range to Wild River
- Distance = 7.93k
- Elevation = 333m
- Notes = Toilets at Herberton Range and Wild River. Showers at Wild River.
- Description = Cross back over the road (take caution) and follow course up a pretty impressive climb after about 500m into the segment. Once at the top, follow along the scarp and a gentle descent down into the back of Herberton and around into the back of the caravan park. Note there is a fence climb into the caravan park that takes a bit of caution.
Segment 15 – Wild River to Wild River
- Distance = 20.43k
- Elevation = 767m
- Notes = Toilets & Showers at Wild River
- Description = Head out the front entrance of caravan park and turn right straight after reception and follow footpath all the way into the town and cross over the river via the bridge and head up the main street. Turn left at the 24hr servo and head up the street and back onto the trails. You’ll scout back around onto the fringes of Herberton again before again heading out into the wild and with lots of ups and downs, some fire trails and single trails in a big loop to get you to back to Wild River Aid Station.
Segment 16 – Wild River to Herberton Range
- Distance = 26.12k
- Elevation = 801m
- Notes = Portaloo at Herberton Range
- Description = A beautiful loop awaits you with some nice climbs and descents and plenty of single trail through this section. Also some gravel fire trails to get you back around to the Herberton Range aid station.
Segment 17 – Herberton Range to Peter Road
- Distance = 10.73k
- Elevation = 58m
- Notes = Portaloo at Herberton Range
- Description = ALL of this section is entirely along the railway reserve with not much elevation, but does include a pretty cool disused railway tunnel. At 5.5k, you will be treated to the incredible Carrington Falls. Once you cross Wongabel rd on the last 2k stretch to the aid station, you will need to choose between crossing some aging rail bridges carefully (step slowly and carefully as some rotten timbers) or, get some wet feet and climb down and up through the creeks.
Segment 18 – Peter Road to Billycart Brewery
- Distance = 19.27k
- Elevation = 534m
- Notes = The final stretch. Accomplishment awaits. And beer. Ice cold beer.
- Description = Just when you are getting oh so close to the finish and head into the fringes of Atherton, we take you back up into the mountains for 1 more good climb up Mount Baldy. 1 final play through the mountain bike trails too and then again skirting the golf course and onwards to that very welcoming finish line.
Segment 10 – Kauri Creek to Tinaroo
- Distance = 16.03k
- Elevation = 346m
- Notes = Drop toilets at Kauri Creek, toilets at Tinaroo and showers (but likely cold).
- Description = Runners will need to take care on the road sections as there’s many tight, blind corners and the road can be narrow in parts. You’ll follow the trail running parralel to Dambulla Rd for the first 3.5k before joining back up to the road. At 9.7k, you’ll leave the road for a climb up the trail to gain a mountain summit and then follow trail back around and into Tinaroo. Follow the river around lake around until you get to the recharge station.
Segment 11 – Tinaroo to Walkamin
- Distance = 21.14k
- Elevation = 250m
- Notes = Toilets at Tinaroo and showers (but likely cold). Toilets at Walkamin
- Description = Much of this section is run alongside the irrigation channel from Tinaroo to the highway, cutting across some creeks and a few climbs over some hills on the gravel track. Once you hit the old railway line, you’ll turn right and follow it up to Walkamin.
Segment 12 – Walkamin to Billycart Brewery
- Distance = 17.55k
- Elevation = 192m
- Notes = Toilets at Walkamin and at the Brewery. Plus at Tolga as you pass through
- Description = Head back out on the Railway Reserve and follow towards Atherton. You’ll need to slightly deviate to head under the bridge via the creek at the highway crossing before joining back up again. Follow through to Tolga and and then again onto Atherton, making note that you pass under the road bridge via the creek to get into the brewery.
Segment 13 – Billycart Brewery to Herberton Range
- Distance = 21.76k
- Elevation = 876m
- Notes = A solid section of vert so fuel up. Toilets at Brewery and Herberton Range.
- Description = Once you leave the brewery and follow the course through the back streets of Atherton, we’ll guide you passed the golf course and up into the mountains via some beaut fire trails with some great vert. Lots of turns and climbs through this section. Once you eventually reach the top, you’ll stay on the fire trails which is all pretty runnable with some down hills to Herberton Range aid station.
Segment 14 – Herberton Range to Wild River
- Distance = 7.93k
- Elevation = 333m
- Notes = Toilets at Herberton Range and Wild River. Showers at Wild River.
- Description = Cross back over the road (take caution) and follow course up a pretty impressive climb after about 500m into the segment. Once at the top, follow along the scarp and a gentle descent down into the back of Herberton and around into the back of the caravan park. Note there is a fence climb into the caravan park that takes a bit of caution.
Segment 15 – Wild River to Wild River
- Distance = 20.43k
- Elevation = 767m
- Notes = Toilets & Showers at Wild River
- Description = Head out the front entrance of caravan park and turn right straight after reception and follow footpath all the way into the town and cross over the river via the bridge and head up the main street. Turn left at the 24hr servo and head up the street and back onto the trails. You’ll scout back around onto the fringes of Herberton again before again heading out into the wild and with lots of ups and downs, some fire trails and single trails in a big loop to get you to back to Wild River Aid Station.
Segment 16 – Wild River to Herberton Range
- Distance = 26.12k
- Elevation = 801m
- Notes = Portaloo at Herberton Range
- Description = A beautiful loop awaits you with some nice climbs and descents and plenty of single trail through this section. Also some gravel fire trails to get you back around to the Herberton Range aid station.
Segment 17 – Herberton Range to Peter Road
- Distance = 10.73k
- Elevation = 58m
- Notes = Portaloo at Herberton Range
- Description = ALL of this section is entirely along the railway reserve with not much elevation, but does include a pretty cool disused railway tunnel. At 5.5k, you will be treated to the incredible Carrington Falls. Once you cross Wongabel rd on the last 2k stretch to the aid station, you will need to choose between crossing some aging rail bridges carefully (step slowly and carefully as some rotten timbers) or, get some wet feet and climb down and up through the creeks.
Segment 18 – Peter Road to Billycart Brewery
- Distance = 19.27k
- Elevation = 534m
- Notes = The final stretch. Accomplishment awaits. And beer. Ice cold beer.
- Description = Just when you are getting oh so close to the finish and head into the fringes of Atherton, we take you back up into the mountains for 1 more good climb up Mount Baldy. 1 final play through the mountain bike trails too and then again skirting the golf course and onwards to that very welcoming finish line.